JPhotoTagger is a platform independent Photo Manager. You can manage and find fast your photos through keywords, descriptions and other so called metadata ("tags"). It speeds up adding or editing tags through automatic keyboard input completion and other features.
All tags will be written into XMP sidecar files and JPhotoTagger's database. The images are left untouched. JPhotoTagger is open to work together with other applications such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. JPhotoTagger automatically reads tags from new and changed sidecar files and updates it's database. You can tag your photos with e.g. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and JPhotoTagger both even on different operating systems: JPhotoTagger runs on every system where Java is installed.
Features of JPhotoTagger:
Selection Views (left of the application's window)
* File system folders
* Favorite file system folders (user defined and ordered by importance)
* Keywords: Hierarchical and "flat" organization (tree view and list view)
* Timeline
* Saved Searches
* Photo albums (image collections)
* "Smart collections":
o Images without specific metadata, e.g. images without a copyright notice (missing metadata)
o Images taken with a specific
+ camera model
+ focal length
+ ISO value
+ ...
o Images with specific metadata:
+ subject's location
+ photographer
+ rating
+ ...
Searching, finding
* Fast search input field in the application's window with auto complete
* Complexer searches with logical operators e.g. AND, OR, can be saved:
o Generated via GUI support
o Custom (arbitrary, user typed) SQL for complex queries
* Synonyms can be defined and will be recoginzed by fast searches
Thumbnails Window (middle of the application's window)
* Thumbnails can be scaled (zoomed in and out) continuously
* Keywords and rating stars can be overlayed to the thumbnails
* Images can be sorted by filenames, file extensions and metadata, e.g. date taken, rating, focal length, ISO value
Metadata Views (right to the application's window)
* Embedded IPTC metadata
* Most important EXIF values
* Complete XMP metadata of these namespaces (embedded or in sidecar files):
o Dublin Core
o Photoshop
o Camera RAW
o Lightroom
All data will be written to XMP sidecar files, the images are left untouched. Interoperatable with other applications, currently Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Edit fields:
* Keywords
* Short description
* Description
* Image title
* Location
* Date taken
* Photographer/Position
* Photographer/Name
* Photographer/City
* Photographer/State
* Photographer/Country
* Copyright
* Credits
* Source
* Transmission reference
* Instructions
* Author of the metadata
* Rating
In the left view of miscellaneous metadata, data can be renamed, e.g. typing errors whithin copyright notices, locations, photographer names.